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Shingle Peak Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Bright, pure, well-etched fruit defines this delicious wine. Bursts of lemon and lime, peach and ripe apple are almost jammy, punctuated by high acidity, which heightens the spicy palate. A dollop of sweetness completes the package.

Sister's Run Bethlehem Block Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Cool red berry fruits, but berry fruits that are also ripe and rounded. The tannins are smooth and welcoming, yet cabernet tannins will do what cabernet tannins will do: sweep through the palate. Accompanying them is a neat acidity and a slick, balanced alcohol. Cabernet sauvignon in equilibrium.

Sister's Run Epiphany McLaren Vale Shiraz 750ml

A soft and gently rounded palate with ample rich fruits smoothly laced with bucolic tannins and framed by a keen keel of stirring acidity. Plums and blackberries return along with hints of milk chocolate. The giving blackberry and plum fruit is perfectly counter-weighted by the strangely reassuring gruffness of the tannins.

Squealing Pig Australian Prosecco 750ml

This Squealing Pig Prosecco is light and refreshing with a delicate sparkling bead. With fresh aromas of pear and a hint of lemon this wine is mouth wateringly good, perfectly crisp with a zesty finish.

Squealing Pig Chardonnay 750ml

A snout-smackingly good, weighty and crisp Chardonnay, with flavours of citrus, nectarine and pineapple and a lovely toasty finish.

Squealing Pig New Zealand Pinot Gris 750ml

Grapes from across New Zealand bring stunning intensity and flavour to this Pinot Gris. The palate is full and juicy, with ripe apple and citrus coming through up front, leading into a long, luscious stone fruit finish. A refreshingly smooth and balanced drop.

Squealing Pig Rosé 750ml

Squealing Pig Rosé is pale salmon in colour with flavours of strawberry and pink grapefruit, this wine is perfectly crisp and refreshing.

Squealing Pig Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Squealing Pig Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is brimming with tropical fruit flavours of pineapple, passionfruit and citrus.

Squealing Pig Sparkling Rosé 750ml

The palate is ridiculously good layered and textured, finishing with a fresh and vibrant acidity. This is a wine that will knock your trots off stunning Sparkling Rosé will leave you squealing for more!

St Hallett Blackwell Shiraz 750ml

Displaying lively dark cherry aromas overlaid with oak nuances of mocha and vanilla bean. The rich and generous dark fruit spectrum on the front and mid palate is classic Blackwell.

St Hallett Faith Shiraz 750ml

An accessible, juicy and fruity wine that is vibrant yet dense.

St Hugo Signature Collection Shiraz 750ml

At St Hugo, they craft wines that exude power and elegance, embodying the essence of their rich winemaking heritage. St Hugo Signature Collection Shiraz has the perfect balance of St Hugo's house style of power and elegance, being textural and mouth-coating with dense dark red fruits, overlaid with long fine tannins and subtle French oak. A stunning wine of intensity, elegance, tension, and purity that is complete and age-worthy.
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