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Main Divide Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Deep ruby in appearance with aromas of dark fruit, such as blackcurrents, plums and boysenberries. Layered beneath there are also hints of tobacco, liquorice and cloves.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Merlot 750ml

This full-bodied wine is packed with fruity notes, earthy undertones and soft tannin. Brooding, complex nose with hints of plums and blackberries. On the palate light mocha and rich full berry flavours. The wine has good concentration with a smooth finish. Enjoy with meat, cheese platter or tapas.

McGuigan Black Label Merlot 750ml

The wine McGuigan Black Label Merlot is soft and elegant with fresh red berry characters, generous weight, and good length of flavour with a sweet oak finish. The soft velvety texture of Merlot makes it a great partner for a range of dishes featuring red meat, pork and chicken.

McGuigan Private Bin Merlot 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Merlot displays the wonderful fruit flavours of raspberry, cherry and ripe plum. These are nicely integrated with caramel and vanilla oak characters to create a smooth and enjoyable red wine.

Montana Classics Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. This Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon presents a mellow harmony of fruit sweetness and savoury tannins, leading to a smoot finish with enduring dark fruit characteristics.

Mud House Merlot 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Oyster Bay Merlot 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Stoneleigh Marlborough Merlot 750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Stoneleigh Classic Merlot, the aroma is fragrant with plums, blackberries and black cherry notes.

Taylors Estate Merlot 750ml

This wine is medium to full-bodied with lush red berry, plum and cherry fruit characters. The fruit flavours are balanced by undertones of creamy mocha, spice & subtle savoury characters. The palate has a soft, velvety texture with grainy tannins through the mid-palate and a long, persistence to finish.

Taylors Promised Land Merlot 750ml

This is a medium-bodied wine with a soft, round and gloriously fleshy palate. Delicious flavours of ripe plum, red berries abound with subtle coffee bean also evident.

Tempus Two Merlot 750ml

A round, plump Merlot, consisting of red berry & bramble fruit flavours with French oak characters

Villa Maria Private Bin Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This blend of predominantly Merlot with Cabernet Sauvignon has fragrant aromas and flavours of cassis, red fruits and dried herbs. A rich mouthfeel is balanced with supple tannins leading to a deliciously smooth finish.
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